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The Impact of Artwork

Mardi Busby

Updated: Nov 13, 2024

Using artwork is a fantastic method to showcase our identity, display genuine character, and shape the ambiance of a space. The impact largely relies on the placement of the artwork and the message we intend to convey. For example, in a bedroom, the aim may be to establish a serene atmosphere conducive to relaxation. An artist can achieve this by employing soft, muted tones and smoothly blending colours, resulting in a restrained colour palette that minimises contrast, leading to a more subdued interaction known as a "quieter conversation." These components contribute to creating a tranquil, soothing environment.

Conversely, in a living or dining room, a more dynamic piece may be desired, one that becomes a focal point of the room. The size of the artwork can play a role in achieving this effect; opting for a larger-than-life piece can significantly impact the room. Colour and subject matter are other means through which a focal point can be established. However, the objective may not always be to draw attention, but rather to harmonise all elements in the room by using the artwork as a starting or finishing point. This involves designing the room around a favourite artwork, harmonising its colours and style with the furnishings and decorations in the space, or selecting the perfect piece that complements the existing room style.

Artwork can also be used to convey ideas, memories, or transport us back in time. Abstract pieces can evoke feelings of a specific place or moment, while realistic works can depict memories vividly. The study or home office is often an ideal setting to share and express these meaningful and personal reflections.

Expressing oneself through artwork in the home can take various forms, depending on the message and experience one wishes to communicate. Art has a unique way of conveying deep meaning without words, shaping an environment that reflects our identity and emotions.

Undoubtedly, art plays a crucial role in our surroundings and has a significant impact on our thoughts and emotions, often more profound than we realise.

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